Thursday, 5 December 2013

Indian Borage and limau nipis (local lemon?)

 Home made cough syrup/drink .I plucked  a few indian borage leaves, and limau nipis/local lemon.( hmm no lemon from my back yard today, heavy rain make it difficult for lemon flowers to survive and a few still  hag in there:P )

A. Indian borage leaves .B. juice frm 4 bijik limau nipis in a bottle , honey and pot ( to boil the crushed leaves)

juice of 4 limau nipis(local lemon?), pot to boil crushed indian borage leaves and save a few pieces to put into honey lemon later,honey.

add equal amount of honey into limau nipis juice ,crush some indian borage leave, stir and keep in sealed bottle in the fridge. — with Wadiah AzhariAsmah Azhari,Maisarah MohamadAbby Azhari and Munirah Mohamad.

 add 1 table spoon of honey lemon mixture to sweeten warm Indian borage drink

Pelega batuk utk Che MahAsmah Azhari, air rebusan Indian borage and lemon+honey. Add 1 tbsp of honey lemon mix to sweeten Indian Borage drink.You can have it cold or warm . — with Asmah AzhariAbby AzhariSalsabilla SofeaAmirah Azhari and Wadiah Azhari.

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