Monday, 9 December 2013

sprouting and microgreens

can't wait long to harvest your green for salad and sandwich fillings? why not sprout them / do microgreens. more info on sprouting

kunyit more info about kunyit

Daun kadok

Daun kadok


while waiting for my tomato plants to grow, this article helps a lot too


a lot of info on hazel nut here

Bawang oh bawang : daun bawang

aloe vera

 more info on aloe vera


cool!!! sayur beremi jugak boleh dimakan mentah

Edible :chia seed/sprout/shoots

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Indian Borage and limau nipis (local lemon?)

 Home made cough syrup/drink .I plucked  a few indian borage leaves, and limau nipis/local lemon.( hmm no lemon from my back yard today, heavy rain make it difficult for lemon flowers to survive and a few still  hag in there:P )

A. Indian borage leaves .B. juice frm 4 bijik limau nipis in a bottle , honey and pot ( to boil the crushed leaves)

juice of 4 limau nipis(local lemon?), pot to boil crushed indian borage leaves and save a few pieces to put into honey lemon later,honey.

add equal amount of honey into limau nipis juice ,crush some indian borage leave, stir and keep in sealed bottle in the fridge. — with Wadiah AzhariAsmah Azhari,Maisarah MohamadAbby Azhari and Munirah Mohamad.

 add 1 table spoon of honey lemon mixture to sweeten warm Indian borage drink

Pelega batuk utk Che MahAsmah Azhari, air rebusan Indian borage and lemon+honey. Add 1 tbsp of honey lemon mix to sweeten Indian Borage drink.You can have it cold or warm . — with Asmah AzhariAbby AzhariSalsabilla SofeaAmirah Azhari and Wadiah Azhari.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Holy Basil -Purple stems kemangi/selasih ( Basil kampug Purple)

Purple stems local basil /Purple stems kemangi/selasih is different from Purple Basil. I love purple stems kemangi as ulam in laksa or as ulam cicah budu ,sambal belacan or tempoyak. Which ever available in my kitchen . or even basil  in my tea.

Purple stem local basil grow every where in my back yard,especially during in raining season like now.The parent was given by my friend, I thought she gave the Purple Basil ( sister to Sweet Basil  but with purple pigments). But to my surprised, mine in local basil /kemangi  with purple stems. The taste is also different from Purple Basil, it has the daun selasih/kemangi taste.Alas, I thought I will be making purple pesto soon. So I bought Purple Basil seedlings, yes when they were young, the purple colour of their leaves are purplish, but since I planted them in the area which receives  full  sun light exposure, the leaves turn greenish like in pic below as they grow older,yeiks!!

purple basil leaves turning greenish at some one else garden too !!! so I don't feel so bad anymore.

Owh!! so many varieties of puple stem kemangi/basil!!!! mine is  different from this one either!

Green/Purple/green basil trive in some one else garden-- I do hope my purple basil turn like this too.
plucked some young shoots of purple local basil and peria katak (a small bitter gourd) for my omelette filling

use the young shoots and wrap them in omelette. (hmm..the young shoots of purple kemangi doesn't look purple at all :P)

My breakfast this morning: Omelette with purple kemangi fillings and bitter gourd cicah tempoyak!!! DIVINE!!!

The seeds for the parents of peria katak/peria jantung bought
Jom makan  ulam cicah tempoyak :D
 Here is more info Holy Basil

Bunga Telang dan keledek

Tok cik cook Tong Yuan and onde-onde (buah melaka ) for sahur . Dark Blue Tong Yuan made from blue extract of Bunga Telang, while the purple and orange Tong Yuan Balls made from sweet potato.
Pokok Bunga telan growing wild,every where during this raining season

mature pods of bunga telang

Frozen Bunga Telang . Some times I don't have enough fresh bunga telang to use, so frozen bunga comes to rescue.I normally keep a lot of bunga telang in freezer bags for using as food colouring. (For this recepi I used around 50 ), sips in hot boiling water for few minutes then mash/crush/squeeze the extract.
 mashed steamed orange sweet potato mix with glutinous flour to make the dough

steamed purple sweet potato for making purple dough

mashed steamed sweet potato mixed with glutinous flour,knead into dough  ,

dough flatten to add in coconut sugar as filling before rolled into balls

balls ready to be boil

dough , making into rose shape

ready to be cooked

in the Hot boiling water

cook until done, the balls will be floating 

Cooked kuih will be having chilling time in cold water bath for a while

tong yuan in syrup

simply yummilicius tong yuan , Tong yuan balls serve in sugar syurup

we also have roses tong yuan too

 (normally onde2 is covered with grated coconut, but  my kids like plain,so here is or version of Onde2 in my garden) 
more info on bunga telang here

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Mango tree

Mango trees 

I have 8 mangoes trees in my garden, 4 are around 6 years old and HUGE, and another 4 still below 2 years old.To my surprised all of my mango trees are getting back to alive LITERALLY with NEW YOUNG SHOOTS and one started flowering after 1 week applied of RES RinsonEpsomsalt+ fertiliser for fruiting given by my brother.So never dishearten if your Fruit trees seems giving up sometime, just add some RES Epsom salt to the soil with your regular fertiliser, It did magic in my garden and many other gardens too. Try it for yourself :D

Pokok bunga cina

Pokok Bunga Cina. Holds a sentimental value,reminds me of my childhood, sweet smells from bunga cina awaken my senses while taking  shower from my grandma's well (telaga/perigi).No kidding,I  miss dearly the memories of taking cold shower from  her perigi/telaga,giggling or menggigil?????you are smart enough to figure it out!!! Chilling to my bone!!!! very early morning!!!But that's what I love,when I was in My granda's Kampong,especially getting " free shower" by standing behind the taller adult!!! 
Very healthy young shoots after applied RES Rinson Epsomsalt

There are more than 20 young buds after RES,previously ,I have to wait very long time for my plants to bloom

2ndd weeks after using epsomsalt

(different flower from above) 3rd week after using RESepsomsalt

3rd week after usingRES Epsomsalt

week3 after RES

a lots of flowers matured 

My sick Pokok bunga Cina,purposely didn't apply RES as a control plant. Will up date the result  of this plant in 2 weeks time @watch this space

young shoots after 2 weeks RES Rinson Epsomsalt 

Khasiat pokok bunga cina

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Sweet Teddy with Chupa Chups for Shewae's girlfriends Graduation( Bunga Konvo sempoi / Express Sweet Teddy with Chupa chups For girlfriends)

To celebrate and appreciate  friendship. Shewae bought 10 Sweet Teddy and some  Chupa chups ,and asked tok Cik to make10  some simple token for her girlfriends. so here are SEMPOI SWEET TEDDY : done in less than 5 minute each. Express and PRICE-LESS .

if you have little time and on shoe string budgets, you may want to try this too
chup chups ,Teddy ,, flower,plaslic wraps

assemble,and hold on the legs to wrap and secure with a rubber band
yup, I just did a no brainer magic
tie /deco with ribbons

sample of Sweet Teddy with Chupa Chups
Literally I see a BEAR-y SWEET pinky bear  :D 
TEN LITTLE BEAR-Y SWEET BEAR,REST-ING  on a piano ,ready to great Shewae's Girlfriend. What a sweet Thought.